In the event that a remote learning day is called, students will participate in asynchronous instruction. Asynchronous instruction means that students will complete lessons and assignments on their own schedule, rather than in real-time with a teacher. While there will be no live class sessions, all assignments and materials will be provided, and students are expected to work independently to complete the tasks for the day.
If you experience any connectivity issues or difficulties with completing the work, please remember that according to CCS School Board Policy, students have up to five (5) days to submit their assignments upon returning to school. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility with remote learning.
Specific instructions for your school's remote learning plan are as follows:
Students will need to participate by completing activities on the choice boards linked below to be counted as present. Click on your student's grade level to view the choice board and complete activities. Students will have 5 days to turn in completed work after returning to school in order to be counted as present for the day.
If you have any questions, teachers are available through Parentsquare or email.
WM Irvin Remote Learning Choice Board
Kindergarten |
1st Grade |
2nd Grade |
3rd Grade |
4th Grade | 5th Grade | Living & Learning | AIG | Speech | EC | ML |
1. Draw a winter picture and write a sentence about it! 2. Find 3 socks and 3 shoes. How many do you have in all? Write a number sentence and draw a picture to show your work. 3. Draw and label 5 things that make the “ch” beginning sound. 4. Make a list of 4 living and 4 nonliving things you see at your house. 5. Practice reading your Heart Words! 6. Read a book that you have at home. Write about your favorite part and draw a picture! 7. Practice counting to 100 with an adult by 1’s and 10’s.
Adult initials 8. Create a unique superhero who has strengths and abilities to help you do good in the world. Write about how these strengths help the world be a better place! 9. Draw a penguin and write a sentence about it. 10. Pick your favorite P2 character strength and write about how you use it in your life. Examples: Teamwork, kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, creativity, love. 11. Draw and label 5 things that make the “sh” beginning sound. 12. Create a Kindness Card to give to someone who works at school! Here are some ideas: Custodians, Office Staff, Nurse, Cafeteria, Encore teacher.
1. Write your opinion! Make sure to support your opinion with details. My favorite animal is ________. I like this animal because______. 2. Create a unique superhero who has strengths and abilities to help you do good in the world. Write about how these strengths help the world be a better place! 3. Measure one thing in your room. Write about how long it was and what you used to measure it with. 4. Draw a picture to match the following sentence: “I like to ride my bike in the fall.” 5. Brain Break Do 10 Jumping Jacks and 10 push-ups and count to 100 by 10s. __________ Adult initials 6. Read a book that you have at home. Write about your favorite part! 7. Use a Double Bubble Map to compare and contrast a rock and a flower.
8. Write a number sentence and solve the problem below. Show your work. I have 5 red pens and 7 green pens. How many pens do I have in all? 9. Write a story about your favorite day. Make sure you add lots of details. Who, what, where, and when! Then illustrate your story! 10. Pick your favorite P2 character strength and write about how you use it in your life. Examples: Teamwork, kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, creativity, love. 11. Represent the numbers by drawing them with tens and ones. 24 38 47 12. Create a Kindness Card to give to someone who works at school! Custodians, Office Staff, Nurse, Cafeteria, Encore teacher.
1. Create a picture to highlight the winter season! Write at least 5 sentences about it. 2. Make a list of solids and liquids that you have at your house. 3. Make a prediction: Write about what would happen to snow if the weather gets warmer. Use the words freeze, melt, solid, liquid in your answer. 4. Pick your favorite P2 character strength and write about how you use it in your life. Examples: Teamwork, kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, creativity, love. 5. Create a Kindness Card to give to someone who works at school! Here are some ideas: Custodians, Office Staff, Nurse, Cafeteria, Encore teacher. 6. Create a unique superhero who has strengths and abilities to help you do good in the world. Write about how these strengths help the world be a better place! 7. How many words can you make out of the letters in SNOWMAN? 8. At what temperature does something freeze? Draw a picture and label as many FROZEN things as you can think of! 9. There are 327 students sledding on the hill. There are 279 students drinking hot chocolate. How many more students are sledding than drinking hot chocolate? Use your favorite strategy to solve! Show your work. 10. Read a book that you have at home. Write about your favorite part! 11. Write a funny story about a penguin named Skippy! 12. Create 3 math problems about winter and solve them. Show your work. Example: There were 321 penguins on the iceberg to start. 124 went for a swim. How many penguins were left on the iceberg? ______________
1. Pick your favorite P2 character strength and write about how you use it in your daily life. 2. Write the beginning, middle, and end of your favorite book. 3. Write a poem about yourself using figurative language. 4. Find 10 words around the house and write a sentence using each word
5. Write your 3s, 6s, and 9s multiplication facts. 6. Create 10 multiplication equations and solve them. Show your work. 7. Create 5 addition and subtraction word problems (2 or 3-digit) and solve them. Show your work. 8. Find 4 different examples of arrays around the house. Draw them and use a multiplication equation to solve. 9. Draw and label the solar system. 10. Experiment with gravity and friction using items around the house and record your examples on paper. 11. Draw and label a picture of 2 types of landforms and describe them. 12. Write down a list of things in the kitchen that require heat transfer. |
1. Pick your favorite P2 character strength and write about how you use it in your daily life. 2. Identify and write the main idea and three supporting details of your favorite book. 3. Write a poem using 2 types of figurative language. 4. Write a narrative about the journey of an object in your house.
5. Write your 3s, 6s, and 9s multiplication facts. 6. Create and solve five 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems. Show your work. 7. Create and solve five 3-digit by 1-digit division problems. Show your work. 8. Write 5 improper fractions and convert to a mixed number. Show your work. 9. Write how each form of energy is being used in your home. 10. Draw and label the rock cycle. 11. Write about ways that phones and digital technology have impacted our lives in North Carolina. 12. Write about your favorite part of living in North Carolina. |
1. Pick your favorite P2 character strength and write about how you use it in your daily life. 2. Identify and write down the main idea and three supporting details of your favorite book. 3. Write a 5 sentence paragraph about what you’re doing on your remote learning day. 4. Write 10 root words. Add a suffix or prefix to those words. Explain how the suffix or prefix changed the meaning of the word. 5. Create 5 long division problems and solve. Show your work. 6. Create 5 three by two-digit multiplication problems and solve. Show your work. 7. Draw a fraction model using tenths or hundredths and convert to decimals. Show your work. 8. Find at least three “hidden” decimals around the house and represent in expanded and word form. 9. Create a study guide for one of the units you have studied. 10. Make observations about the weather conditions and write them down. 11. Create a water cycle diagram and explain the water cycle process. 12. Write a script for the local meteorologist using science vocabulary. |
1. Get creative! Find 3 things you find in winter and have an adult write them down. 2. Find 3 socks and 3 shoes. How many do you have in all? 3. Find 5 blue items around your house and have an adult write them down. 4. Make a list of 2 living and 2 nonliving things you see at your house. 5. Practice reading your sight Words! (he, she, friend, girl, boy, help, eat, I, and my) ____________ Adult Initials 6. Read a book with an adult that you have at home and point to the characters. Who is the story about? Draw a picture of your character. 7. Practice counting to 20 with an adult. ____________ Adult Initials 8. Find 3 things that begin with “L”. Draw a picture of what you found. 9. Complete 2 chores around the house such as: make your bed, help with dishes, put toys away, wipe the table. ______________ Adult Initials |
1. To adapt is to make fit or modify. Choosing the right word to accurately fit or describe a situation involves understanding different shades of meaning among related words. Choose at least three words you find in your reading that describe how a character is feeling. Construct a graphic organizer that lists the words, what you think they mean and any synonyms you already know for the words. If you have access to a thesaurus then use it to find additional synonyms for the words you chose. Choose one of your original words, look at all the synonyms for that word and put them in order from "least to greatest" in terms of the power of their meaning. For example: smart, knowledgeable, brilliant, etc. 2. Create a sound map! On a sheet of paper, mark the center of it with a picture of something that represents you. Find a spot where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Quietly focus on what you hear around you for 5 minutes. Draw, write, or color the sounds you can hear on the paper and include from where they are coming. Create a sound map at a new location each day this week. 3. Write the word YET, with your non-dominant hand and your eyes closed. Open your eyes and look at what you wrote. Reflect on how it looks and whether it looks like how it's "supposed" to look. A fixed mindset is the belief that there is one right way to do things and that our abilities are fixed and cannot change. Now adapt or change the drawing into something else while still using your nondominant hand. (ex. - a picture, a different word, abstract art, etc.). Write a reflection- How did you adapt your ‘yet’? How did adapting your ‘yet’ impact how you felt about the task and about your ‘yet’ creation? This flexible, adaptive thinking is characteristic of a growth mindset; it focuses on effort, flexible thinking and input from others. 4. ”Make a Buck” Need: A full deck of playing cards Object: Be the first person to collect 10 cards that equal exactly $1.00 Directions: 1. Deal each player 10 cards. 2. Players take turns drawing and discarding one card each turn, until they have exactly $1.00 in their hand. Parent Signature if you played: _________ 5. Clothing designers often have to adapt to the changing fashion trends, but they also have to consider their customers and adapt to their needs. The Special Kids Company makes clothing for kids who have special needs. They have clothing that allows access to feeding tubes, larger leg openings to go over foot braces, wheelchair covers, and much more. Think about a need you might have that you wish a clothing designer would take into consideration. Maybe it’s a physical need, or maybe you just wish there were accessories you could add to your favorite clothes to make them adaptable for all types of weather. Sketch a drawing and label the piece of clothing with the adaptations you made. 6. How many numbers can you make using the digits 2, 4, and 6? On notebook paper- Make a list. Use each number only once. You can create numbers with one, two, and three digits. How many numbers could you make if digits could be repeated? What strategy did you use to figure out this problem? Could it be done a different way? 7. Setbacks, problems, and failures are a part of life. As you get older, the importance of these setbacks may seem even more significant. Brain research supports the idea that failure allows us time to learn, adapt, and grow. Scientists have studied the brain waves of people as they fail and note that there is increased focus when critiquing their own mistakes. Think about a time when you failed. How did you feel? What was your reaction? What did you learn? How did you adapt? Social media posts tend to show the best in people. Posts include great vacations, awards and celebrations, or a great selfie (after taking 32 bad selfies). Create a social media post that focuses on a failure and how that failure created a change. Be sure to include a great hashtag. 8. An acrostic poem is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase. Typically, the first letters of each line are used to spell a message. Choose a character from your favorite fiction book. Create an acrostic poem using the character’s name to explain the setting of the story, what motivated or changed that character throughout the story, and details about the character’s actions.
Look Around Find 5 things in your bedroom that start with your speech sound. Find 5 things outside that start with your speech sound. Find 5 things in your kitchen that start with your speech sound. Make a List Write down 5 words that have your speech sound at the beginning of the word. Practice each word 5x. Write down 5 words that have your speech sound in the middle of the word. Practice each word 5x. Write down 5 words that have your speech sound at the end of the word. Practice each word 5x. Read a Story Read a book and practice your speech sounds. Read a book and practice your speech sounds. Read a book and practice your speech sounds. Sequencing Using your speech sound, tell at least 3 steps for building a snowman. Using your speech sound, tell at least 3 steps for making hot cocoa. Using your speech sound, tell at least 3 steps for a snowball fight. Drawing Draw a picture using 3-5 things that start with your speech sound. Draw a picture using 3-5 things that end with your speech sound. Draw a picture using 3-5 things that contain your speech sound.
Ms. Anthony’s Group Please choose one activity from each subject that you receive services for only. Pick one choice for every subject your student receives per day Reading: 1.Read a book you have around the house and write three questions about it and answer it on paper 2.Write 5 questions about a book you read this week and answer them on paper 3.Retell a story you have read by writing a summary which consist of 5 to 7 complete sentences on paper 4. Read a book for 15 minutes and compare a character in the book to you. Write on paper how you are alike and how you are different. 5.Read a book for 15 minutes write on paper the main character’s name and something describing them in 4 sentences Math 1. Round numbers to the nearest ten on paper 765, 876, 346, 231, 622, 921, 739, 445, 748 and 289 2. Put these numbers in expanded form on paper 246, 645,194,789, 765, 654,346, 579,198 and 975 3. Multiply on paper 62x7= 86x9= 77x3= 29x4= 87x6= 25x3= 88x5= 67x4= 4. Round numbers to the nearest hundred on paper 564, 289, 1,234, 123, 345, 665, 709, 256, 432 and 456 5. Write the numbers from least to greatest on paper 652, 367, 297, 542, 375, 986, 145, 763, 982, and 527 Writing 1. Write a story about a favorite object in your house. Must be five sentences on paper 2. Draw a picture drawing of your favorite book. Must have at least five pages with just drawings of your favorite book on each page on paper 3. Think of your favorite character in a book that you have read and write a funny story about them. Must be at least 5 sentences and show Illustrations on paper 4. Write a story about your favorite foods and why they are your favorite foods Must have 5 sentences on paper 5. Write a story about the best gift you have ever received on paper. Must have 5 sentences |
K-2 1. Watch a TV show or movie. List: Title, Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle, End 2. What do you look like? Use a mirror to draw and label yourself. 3. Make a T-chart. Make a list of Opposites. For example: big and small, yes and no. 4. Find food in your house, like crackers or water bottles. Write or draw a math story problem. Omar has 6 crackers. Neveah ate three. How many are left? 5. Have someone read you a story. Retell the story using the words: first, next, then, last. 6. Write a message to a friend from school. Tell them two things that you have done today or why you miss being at school. Example: Dear ______, Today was fun. First I……Then I ….I miss you. Your friend, Grayson 7. Go outside. Tell someone what you see, hear, think, feel, and smell. 8. Choose an animal. Draw it and label its body parts. Write about how it moves. 9. Sort your clothes or toys into rainbow order. Sort your clothes or toys from biggest to smallest. 10. Answer this question for your parent: Would you rather go to school or do remote learning? Why? You must give three reasons in complete sentences. Example: I would rather stay at home because… Next, I like to stay at home because.. Last, I like to stay at home because…
3-5 1. Find food in your house, like crackers or water bottles. Write or draw a word problem. Try to write a word problem for each operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.) Example: Omar has 346 crackers. Neveah ate one hundred three. How many are left? 2. Create a scavenger hunt for your family. Hide things around your house, then write clues to help them search. 3. Play a variation of “I Spy” with your family. Choose an object that you can see. Give your family clues that will help them guess what it is. Example: I see something that is not where it’s supposed to be. They are used to protect your feet. They are white with three rainbow stripes. 4. Imagine you have to teach someone how to brush their teeth. Write directions for them that list each step of the process. Have a family member read your directions and try to complete the activity to see how clear your directions were. 5. Read a story or article. Retell the story using the words: first, next, then, last. 6. Write a message to a friend from school. Tell them four things that you have done today or why you miss being at school.Dear ______, Today was fun. First I……Next, ….Then, …. Last…I miss you. Your friend, Grayson 7. Choose two animals.Draw and label their food web. Create a Double Bubble map to compare and contrast their ecosystems. 8. Think of someoneyou would like to interview. Write them a letter with 5 of your questions 9. Make a T-chart. Make a list of things you like about learning at home versus at school.
Would you rather go to school or do remote learning? Why? You must give three reasons in complete sentences. Example: I would rather stay at home because… Next, I like to stay at home because.. Last, I like to stay at home because..