WM Irvin Elementary School
Student Enrollment Information
We are glad you are considering enrolling at WM Irvin Elementary School!
Enrollment Information
Below is the documentation required from each new student planning to enroll at WM Irvin Elementary School:
Source 1: Deed, lease, or property tax statement showing the property is owned or rented by you and is within the school's boundaries.
Source 2: Current driver's license, motor vehicle registration with correct address or current statement (e.g. bank statement, utility bill, or Medicaid card) with correct address
If the parent/legal guardian does not own or rent the property where the family resides, the property owner/renter with whom the family is residing MUST come to the school to sign a notarized form stating that the family is residing with them and to show their proof of domicile (see above). The parent/legal guardian will also need to provide a North Carolina Driver's License or North Carolina I.D. showing the current address. If you are having difficulty with the enrollment process or have questions not addressed here, please contact our Data Manager, Jennifer Mayfield, at jennifer.mayfield@cabarrus.k12.nc.us or 704-260-6330.